I don't know Stan Laurels last resting place, but his final words were:-
Stan " I would rather be sking than doing this"
Nurse " I didn't know you skied Mr Laurel"
Stan " I don't, but I'd rather be skiing than doing this"
The Rebel.
like this perhaps?
it is pretty cool after all... .
(i took both of these pics and the difference was, well, obvious!).
I don't know Stan Laurels last resting place, but his final words were:-
Stan " I would rather be sking than doing this"
Nurse " I didn't know you skied Mr Laurel"
Stan " I don't, but I'd rather be skiing than doing this"
The Rebel.
i was watching the news about the french terrorist attacks.
not getting into that but i notice the media is churning it over a bit, now.
moving switly on; there were prayers for peace reported.. question: what do those praying for peace think that god will actually do about their prayers?.
If only it were that simple Nathan Natas.
But a message on a poster, avoids questions of social struture. Such posters were once frequently Stalinist,.
The message of your poster was " fight against hateful religious ideology"So when " religious ideology" is defeated will we not have have a fight against " materialism and nationalisam?
Your poster is like reading Orwells 1984, and not understanding the rights of the greater details of " stupidity." which is acceptance to the order we are controlled by, with out acceptance of responsibility.
The Rebel.
was geniously created by the w.t leadership, when they shifted the idea of the coming of gods kingdom, to the idea that gods kingdom is already being represented by their " visible organisation" on earth today.
but as the totlitarian " ark" of the w.t crashes, many in the w.t, particularly those at bethel will now look through the w.t "looking-glass" and no-longer see that "paradise" already existing on earth today.. when this happens, a person should decide to look clearly through a different sort of looking glass.
here is what i discoverd when i looked through my very own "looking glass":-.
l based my thread on " Alice in wonderland." All witnesses should read " Alice in wonderland"
" If I had a world of my own, everything would be noncence, nothing would be what it is because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise is what it isn't, and what it wouldn't be, it would you see?
Now where is Slimboyfact? ....Actually we should all read " Alice in wonderland". So why is this wonderful book considerd only for children?
The Rebel.
i was watching the news about the french terrorist attacks.
not getting into that but i notice the media is churning it over a bit, now.
moving switly on; there were prayers for peace reported.. question: what do those praying for peace think that god will actually do about their prayers?.
Well materialisation hasn't united people, and neither has philosophy, and whilst I no longer pray, for some I understand and respect the need to get away from the intellectual.So I won't oversimplify prayer, because I do see how it can be a symbol of comfort, and I can see how some people need that bread and milk. And for many who lost loved ones, that feeling of strength.
The Rebel.
I think the terrible things that happen in the world are beyond comprehension.I mean if a plane is blown out the air and 157 people die, how can we identify with the pain the way those personally involved in the tradgedy have to?
I am not being cynical but all we can do is try and make our neighbourhood a better place and hope we are spared senceless tragedy.
The Rebel..
was geniously created by the w.t leadership, when they shifted the idea of the coming of gods kingdom, to the idea that gods kingdom is already being represented by their " visible organisation" on earth today.
but as the totlitarian " ark" of the w.t crashes, many in the w.t, particularly those at bethel will now look through the w.t "looking-glass" and no-longer see that "paradise" already existing on earth today.. when this happens, a person should decide to look clearly through a different sort of looking glass.
here is what i discoverd when i looked through my very own "looking glass":-.
was geniously created by the W.T leadership, when they shifted the idea of the coming of Gods Kingdom, to the idea that Gods kingdom is already being represented by their " visible organisation" on earth today. But as the totlitarian " ark" of the W.T crashes, many in the W.T, particularly those at Bethel will now look through the W.T "looking-glass" and no-longer see that "paradise" already existing on earth today.
When this happens, a person should decide to look clearly through a different sort of looking glass. Here is what I discoverd when I looked through my very own "looking glass":-
a) I can control what it is I am doing.
b) I can control who it is that I am.
c) I can control how I behave.
And most importantly I discoverd
D) It was only in the W.T I had absolutely no control of who I was.
So what is it you discoverd when you looked through "YOUR" looking class and not the " W.T" looking glass?
The Rebel.
for those that lurk or havnt decided to post yet.... living a lie is difficult.
nobody would likely disagree with that... many of us lived or are living the wt lie for the sake of friends or family.
it can eat at us and put us in situations where we frame half truths, try to find tactful way to avoid telling people what we really think.. there is great freedom in being able to admit truths.
Morpheus, great post. " Freedom in admitting the truth...."
The word " freedom" originated from the Christians having a choice to renounce their faith or be thrown to the lions. ( So to be free, or to be doomed)
The Rebel.
i'm sick and tired of everyone claiming to be "offended".
if you are not politically correct, you will need to apologize for some perceived slight.. when i was an elder, i purposely avoided as much as i could, anybody that got easily offended.
As a child of 3 or 4 I went to bed with my " Gollywog" Now " Gollywogs" are banned in the U.K. As a child of 5 or 6 I used to Love " Tom & Jerry" cartoons. Now "Tom & Jerry" cartoons are banned in the U.K, for being violent and racist.
I now realise what prejudice and violence kids like me were put through in my era :-)
The Rebel.
i see years of acute economic crisis ahead for the w.t.
this is evident with letting go of " volunteer" bethalites throughout the world.
but my thread is on the consequences to the individual, and the organisation of letting " volunteer" bethalites go.. so what happens to the captive mind of the former bethalite when they are let go from bethel?
Agreed " tornapart"
Many of these bethelites being forced to leave, must feel humiliated, and they now have to think of MONEY, or how to make it. But in the future, having realised they were naive, and deceived by the W.T, they may also become important apostates.
The Rebel.
i see years of acute economic crisis ahead for the w.t.
this is evident with letting go of " volunteer" bethalites throughout the world.
but my thread is on the consequences to the individual, and the organisation of letting " volunteer" bethalites go.. so what happens to the captive mind of the former bethalite when they are let go from bethel?
Truth seeker, I have searched this thread for your question so please now clarify it, so I can answer it.
As for me I was once a witness, nothing more. But when I left I learnt I love enthusiasm and I also love my cat sleeping on a warm duvet by the fire....and now for me the world is no longer reflected in W.T thinking.( are you allowed pets at bethel?)
The Rebel.